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Can there be anything new in sustainability conferencing?

You bet there is.
With its “SHERPA Institute 2018 Virtual Conference” June 20-22, the institute stakes out an arguably unique mission:
“We are intent on breaking the mold of sustainability conferencing … Instead of carbon offsets, let’s remove carbon cost all together!”

How so? Well, the conference is truly sustainable in that it is totally virtual. Using a global web two-way interface, no attendees or speakers need to burn any travel carbon to attend. And the conference will explore the latest in sustainability lessons learned, success sharing and solution replication 

For example, featured plenary sessions will include:

 . “Disruptive Energy Futures”

 . “Increase the Pace of Innovation and Stakeholder Development”

 .” 5 Tips for Global Sustainability Education: Best Practices from IREX”

. “Purpose Driven Work”

The institute projects attendance of some 500 delegates in North and South America, Europe and (in a recorded version, Asia). Some 20-25 virtual exhibitors — corporations and NGOs — will share space in a virtual hall networking on their sustainability and social responsibility approach, strategy, methods and accomplishments.

SHERPA Sustainability Institute is a non-profit “B company” devoted to “education, research and collaboration around sustainability and social responsibility”. It regularly sponsors regional conferences/salons on these and related subjects around the country.

 (Full disclosure: In one of the conference plenary sessions, we will offer an evolutionary sustainability projection: “Innovation, Integration Driving Business Evolution Forward.”)