“Welcome to reality”.
“Trump is being forced to acknowledge that his straightforward solutions are, in fact, much less straightforward than he promised they would be.”
That’s New York Times economics columnist Eduardo Porter summarizing immigration prospects of the incipient Donald J. Trump administration. “Trump Campaign’s Easy Answers Confront Hard Reality”.
Many powerful U.S. business leaders are being even bolder — especially on climate change: “U.S. Companies to Trump: Don’t Abandon Global Climate Deal“.
“Hundreds of American companies … have urged President-elect Donald J. Trump not to abandon the Paris climate deal, saying a failure by the United States to build a clean economy endangers American prosperity,” The Times reported.
Some 365 companies and major investors “emphasized their ‘deep commitment to addressing climate change’ and demanded that [Trump] leave in place low-emissions policies in the United States.”
And, in what might be called a metaphoric “U.S. private-sector declaration of economic independence”, this pledge: “The companies also said that they would push ahead with their own targets to reduce their carbon footprints regardless of steps taken by Mr. Trump once he is in office.”
These business leaders apparently have their own approach to making “America Great” [Again].