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Snap-shot: A three-day visit is enough to convince this Yank that Canadians have rightly valued news and action on environment and CSR/sustainable development/shared value.

Granted, it was in Alberta where environmental and corporate citizenship issues abound. And granted too, that it was a relatively short visit. But this reporter came away with a strong impression that is quite likely to last:

Some three hundred public relations professionals, educators and students came to Branff this week for the Canadian Public Relations Society annual conference. What they heard and saw was largely the latest tutorial on two-way communications — and action  — on the expanding global business model integrating social and business objectives and strategies. (Of course, there were also the traditional and necessary sessions on professional development.)

In plenary and drill-down breakout sessions, and in awards for excellent campaigns, the conference delivered on subjects such as: “Contemporary Public Relations: Ethics, Leadership and Accountability”; “Communication With Conscience”; and “A Higher Purpose for Public Relations: Creating Value for Business and Society.”

And as conference attendees were departing Banff, Canadian media — mainly print editions of leading dailies — sustained interest in sustainability. Among the relevant reports and commentaries:

 . The Globe and Mail, Thursday, May 29th:

 “French fund CEO blends ethics with profits. Social responsibility works for ERAFP’s [$25 billion pension plan for civil servants in France] long time horizon because it favors companies that don’t squander assets for quick returns.”

 . Calgary Herald, Thursday, May 29th:

 “Big Mac goes sustainable. Canada to be first in chain’s beef changes.”

. Editorial: “Shades Of Green Greenhouse gas measures must strike the right balance for Albertans.”

Such sustainability “share of mind” — or, to put it crudely, “eyeballs” — isn’t delivering boring good news. It is a matter of reporting on, and examining, significant change. And “change” — good or bad — used to be a definition for “news”. We need more of this in general, “traditional” media as well as in new, social media.