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More immediate than the “The Pope vs. Capitalism”, business is confronting today’s herculean refugee crisis

Just in: An early example of response to the two-day-old UN business pledge program: Building on earlier commitments, the UN Global Compact Network Brazil has just pledged to redouble its efforts. The network, which has been addressing the plight of refugees from Syria and West Africa, will offer an October 1st webinar for some 700 members/signatories to raise awareness on potential responses to the refugee crisis. It is also expanding its training for potential employers and piloting a much-needed mentoring program for women refugees already in the region, partnering with UN Refugee Agency, UN Women and companies such as Foxtime and Emdoc.

In an attempt to insure that the global UN Business Action Pledge In Response To The Refugee Crisis doesn’t slip under the media radar, or is in someway misunderstood, we present verbatim the specifics of this call for business action on the refugee crisis:

 The types of activities can include, but are not limited to:

  • Core business. Addressing the refugee crisis through a company’s core business operations, including internal procedures, human resources hiring practices, training, sourcing policies, supply chains, as well as the development of products and services appropriate for refugees.
  • Social investment and philanthropy. Financial contributions, relief items and strategic social investment support for NGOs, UN and multilateral agencies or directly to affected communities and/or contributing functional expertise through volunteering efforts.
  • Advocacy and public policy engagement. Fostering social cohesion and inter-group dialogue and relationship-building in the workplace, marketplace and community.
  • Partnership and collective action. Joining forces with Governments, UN entities, civil society organizations and/or other businesses to act collectively find solutions to the refugee crisis and forge long-term partnerships for regional economic and sustainable development.

Share the actions that your company is already taking, or to share a new commitment to action to help respond to the refugee crisis.

                                Take Action in Response to the Refugee Crisis

This UN Global Compact collaboration with UNHCR is anchored in the work of the Business for Peace initiative. Learn more.




Potential additions to activities include job finding and job training


(Also, see earlier BIS Business For Peace interview )